text023_06.png 15.Feb (Tue) 18:30-19:50
        KAWAI Omotesando Concert Salon "Pause”(Tokyo, JAPAN)
Kawai Salon Concert in Omotesando No.752       
         Tokyo University of Arts - Omotesando Flesh Concert Vol.67            
         Norihiro Motoyama Piano Recital


Reservation required until the day before the concert. 
Reservation Page


text023_06.pngCanceled because of the epidemic




text023_06.png12月12日(日) 13:30-15:00
Fukushima Museum(Aizu-Wakamatsu, JAPAN)
   Kenpaku Christmas Concert
  (Flyer PDF)   

with Yuki Akimoto (Mezzp-Soprano)


text023_06.png 16.May (Sun) 14:00 (13:15 Open)
Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Recital Hall
   Norihiro Motoyama Piano Recital
        −l'Émotion sous le masque−

   Tokyo Music Competition Winners Recital
   (Postponed from 8 March 2020)

        20210516omote.web.jpg    20210516ura.web.jpg
(Flyer PDF)


text023_06.png  2/16 Tokyo Opera City Recital Series
   B→C [229] Rena Fujii Soprano
   20210216recto.web.JPG  20210216verso.web.JPG

text023_06.png Postponed because of the epidemic
8.Mar. (Sun) 14:00 (13:15 Open)
Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Recital Hall
   Norihiro Motoyama Piano Recital
        −l'Émotion sous le masque−

   Tokyo Music Competition Winners Recital



text023_06.png Canceled because of the epidemic (2020.2.28.)


text023_06.png September -December 2017 Piano Recital ""
8.Sep.(Fri) 20:30 Eglise St.Martin de Corconac (L'Estréchure, FRANCE)
18.Sep. (Mon) 14:00 Arkas SASEBO Recital Hall  (Sasebo, JAPAN)
11.Nov.(Sat) 14:00 Studio Berceau (Chigasaki, JAPAN)
2.Dec.(Sat) 14:30 Salon Tessera (Tokyo, JAPAN)
20170918recto.web.jpg      20170918verso.web.jpg 


text023_06.png 11.Feb.2017. (Sat.) 15:00 
Arkas SASEBO Great Hall (Sasebo, JAPAN)
Sasebo Civic Orchestra The 70th Reguler Concert
*Schumann : Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54 etc.
Taishi HARADA, conductor
Sasebo Civic Orchestra
*Norihiro MOTOYAMA, solist (piano)
Ticket : Adult \1,500 (\1,800 on the concert day )
     Elementary, Junior High, Highschool Student \500
              (\700 on the concert day)

text023_06.png 19.Jan.2017. (Thu.) 19:00 
KAWAI Omote-sando Concert Salon "Pause" (Tokyo, JAPAN)

Lecturer's Concert Series of The Tokyo University of The Arts  
GEIDAI NORDIC A Northern European Piano Music
*Sibelius : Piano Sonata in F major Op.12 etc.
Takahiro AKIBA, Masahiro KANNO, Ryo YASUTAKE,
*Norihiro MOTOYAMA, piano
Ticket : \3,000

point014_01.png I wish you a Happy and Peaceful New Year 2017!!
Norihiro's performance in 2017 will start with Sibelius's Piano Sonata in Tokyo on January 19th (Thu.).

text032_15.gif Part-time lecturer at Tokyo Universisty of the Arts(2016.7.18)
Since April 2016, Norihiro is a part-time lecturer of piano at the faculty of Music at Tokyo University of the Arts.

text032_15.gif Contribution an article to Nagasaki Childcare Magazine (2016.3.14)
Norihiro has written an article "Pleasure of telepathy" ~ Comunicate our proof of live ~ for Nagasaki Childcare Magazine  No.237 disbributed by Nagasaki Childcare Association in March.

text032_15.gif This website will be moved to New URL (23.2.2016)
Due to the moving of Norihiro's base from Paris to Tokyo in the end of March 2016, this website will be moved to new URL as follow.

Old URL (~ 31 March 2016)

New URL (January 2016 ~)

Thank you for your attention and updating of your bookmark.

text023_06.png 3 January (Sun.) 10:30 
    Concert for a coming-of-age celebration
    in Higashi-Sonoghi-cho 2016
   Green Heart Hall (Higashi-Sonogi, JAPAN)

point014_01.png I wish you a Happy and Peaceful New Year 2016!!

text023_06.png Chopin : Piano Concerto No.1 in mi minor op.11 etc.
2015-11-15 17h00 815trim.jpg

[Ensemble instrumental des Cévennes, orchestra]
Norihiro Motoyama, piano] [Karen Kapferer, direction]

20151211AfficheConcertChopin.web.jpg11 December (Fri.) 20:30
Filature du pont de fer de Lasalle
(Lasalle , FRANCE)

13 December (Sun.) 17:00
Auditorium de Pôle culturel et scientifique de Rochebelle
(Alès, FRANCE)

"AVE MARIA" -dedicate to the Holy Mother-
Prayer for Peace Concert in 70 years from the bombings and UNESCO 70th Anniversary

27 September (Sun.) 16:00 Urakami Cathedral (Nagasaki, JAPAN) 20150927web.jpg 
[Eijin NIMURA, violin (UNESCO Artiste for peace)]
Norihiro MOTOYAMA, piano]

Anthology of Ave Marias
Paganini : "La campanella" (3rd movement
                  of the 2nd Violin Concerto 
                   in B minor op.7)
Shostakovich : Prelude & Fugue in D minor   
        Op.87-24 20150927backweb.jpg(Piano Solo)
Smetana : From my homeland - No.2

Sponsored by Eijin Nimura Office
Supported by : Urakami Cathedral  / SA Genyou-kai Gakkiten    
Patronners : "UNESCO" United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization /
Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO /
"MEXT" Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan /
National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan / 
Nagasakishimbunsha /
Board of Education of Nagasaki Perfectural Government /
Nagasaki City Board of Education

text023_06.png KIZUNA Vol.14 Schumann x Brahms
~Friendship and Lines of The Great Composers~
August 29th (Sat) 14:00 Tokyo Bunka Kaikanan - Recital Hall
"KIZUNA" is a Piano Concert by 5 man pianists who were graduated The Music Highschool attatched to The Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of Arts (former name is Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music)
Since our graduation in 2002, we organize this concert every summer at important concert halls in and around Tokyo.

Schumann : Arabesque op.18, Papillons op.2
[Takuro MAEDA, piano]
Schumann : Scenes of forest op.82
[Takashi SATO, piano] 
Schumann : Symphonic Etudes op.13 
[Norihiro MOTOYAMA, piano]
Brahms : 16 Variations on the theme of
                Robert Schumann op.9
[Masafumi NAKATANI, piano]
Brahms : 4 Pieces for piano op.119
[Kentaro KAWADA, piano] 
Ticket : \3,000  (student \2,500)
Reservation (Ticket Service of Tokyo Bunka KaikanTicket Pia)
※You can reserve your ticket from "contact" on this web site, filling up the informations necessary and number of ticket.

Mozart Coronation Mass and other pieces
Affiche concerts Mozart web.jpg(*Norihiro plays the basso continuo)
18. July (Sat.) 20:30 
Temple de Saint-Jean-du-Gard 
(Saint-Jean-du-Gard, FRANCE)
19. July (Sun.) 18:30 
Eglise de Saint-Hippolyte du Fort 
(Saint-Hippolyte du Fort, FRANCE)
[Karen Kapferer, Direction]
[Ensemble vocal des Cévennes]
[Ensemble instrumental des Cévennes]

[Murielle Tomao, soprano]
[Christel Lindstat, mezzo-contralto]
[Samuel Oddos, tenor]
[Raphaël Marbaud, bass]
[Basso Continuo, 
Norihiro MOTOYAMA]

text023_06.png  Piano Recital by Norihiro MOTOYAMA in Cévennes
Affiche 2015-07-12 recital piano Nori web.jpg12 July (Sun.) 20:30
Église de Saint-Martin-de-Corconac
(L'Estréchure, FRANCE)
Debussy, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann
15 July (Wed.) 20:30
Lasalle Filature du pont de fer
(Lasalle, FRANCE)

Debussy, Mozart, Albéniz, Chopin,

Contact : SMAC 
Tel: 06 89 54 83 83
       06 43 78 65 47
For further information → 
Schedule 2015

text032_15.gif Ms. Yumiko Omae, Japanese soprano who Norihiro has accompanied in The  89th Leopold Bellan International Music and Drama Competition  in Paris from 20th to 23th April, has won 2nd prize. (20.5.2015) 

text023_06.png Concert in February 2015 
・8th February (Sun.) 14:00 
Arkas SASEBO - Grand Hall 
   (Sasebo, JAPAN)
   "Kilatto" Sasebo Concert
   1st Concerto of Beethoven with Arkas "Kilatto" Orchestra
   under the direction of Maestro Daiki SIMIZU
20150208web.jpg   20150208backweb.jpg

text023_06.png Concert in January 2015
・27 January (Tue.) 19:30
   Espace Hattori (10 passage Tourquetil, 75011 Paris)
   Concert "Pas comme les autres" de l'Espace Hattori
   Recital of Rena FUJII & Norihiro MOTOYAMA
   "A precious meeting" ~Musical Links of France-Japan~
   You can find details on 
Schedule 2015

    20150127 Recto definitif web.jpg   20150147 Verso definitif web.jpg

point014_01.png I wish you a Happy New Year 2015!! (1.1.2015)

 After the final round on the August 26th, Norihiro has received 3rd prize of The 12th Tokyo Music Competition (31.8.2014)

text023_06.png Events in August 2014
・August 17th 14:00 Tsuda Hall (Tokyo, JAPAN)
   "KIZUNA" PIANO CONCERT SERIES Vol.13 "Musical Scenary" 
     Beethoven : Piano Sonata No.15 in D major op.28 "Pastorale"
・August 26th 17:30 Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Tokyo, JAPAN)
   Final Round of The 12th Tokyo Music Competition
   ― accompanied by Japan Philharmonic Orchestra,
        conducted by Maestro Takeshi OOI
     Beethoven : Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major op.73 "Emperor"
For details, please see 
Schedule 2014 . (3.8.2014)

Solo Recitals in France, 
・Paris 4 July 15:00 
Cathédrale Sainte Croix des Armeniens   
・L'Estréchure 12 July 20:30
Église de Saint-Martin-de-Corconac
For details, please see 
Schedule 2014 . (17.6.2014)

Selected as the 14 Semi-Finalists of 
The 21th "Ramón Llull" Palma de Mallorca Rotary Club Internatioanl Piano Competition
that I have participated from 7th to 9th April, and received the Diploma. (26.5.2014) 

point014_01.png Happy New Year 2014!! (1.1.2014)

text023_06.png 4 December 19:30 Salle Cortot / Master Class of François-René Duchâble
Please see Schedule 2013 for details. (26.11.2013)

 Here is the publication of podcasts of semi-finales of The 9th Lyon International Chamber Music Competition - Duo Voice and Piano (Lied and Mélodie) that I have participated in April with Rena FUJII (Soprano) , on the site of the Lyon 2nd University (rubrique "Culture et savoirs"- podcasts) and on France Culture Plus since May 6 and 7. We were selected as the 10 semi-finalistes. (8.7.2013.)